10-13 July 2025
Light of Christ Centre, Waitara
25-28 September 2025
St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane

A conference for everyone, from leaders to first-time believers. This is the Church gathered and alive on mission. This is God’s people united with one heart.
Join over 2500 high schoolers, young adults, leaders, teachers, priests and religious taking part in a life changing encounter with God and His Church.
Ignite Conference is a gathering of Catholics for four days of real-world formation, renewal of faith, great people and powerful worship.
An Invitation
When I was young, I had a little statue which glowed in the dark - I called it my ‘Glow Mary’. When I was afraid of the dark, Mary would shine in the darkness reminding me I was not alone.
Light cannot be dispelled by darkness. Even the tiniest flame penetrates in the night; like a lighthouse to sailors in a dark sea.
Jesus said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). He went even further to say that we are the light of the world and are not to keep our light hidden but put it on a lampstand for all to see (Matt 5:14).
This year Ignite Youth celebrates 25 years since our very first conference began. Our first Ignite logo even included a flame, signifying our dream of igniting the light of faith in the hearts of young people all across this country. 25 years later, we continue to witness this to be true.
Hosted in July for the first time in Broken Bay NSW, followed by September in Brisbane, Ignite Conference 25 is an experience of life-giving LIGHT that is not to be missed!
Experience the young Church alive over four days of unforgettable Catholic music, speakers, dance, media, sacraments, workshops and worship.
Let’s invite the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into our Church, nation and lives, so that together we may shine God’s light with renewed brightness!
‘The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
Kym Keady
Director of Ignite Youth
The Most Reverend
Mark Coleridge
Archbishop of Brisbane
“We need ignition in the Church - a new spark. Ignite Youth introduces young people to the person of Jesus in a new way; not as someone who lived once upon a time, but someone whose presence and power is here and now, good news for your life and mine. Ignite Youth has my full support and I invite you to be a part of it too.”
The Most Reverend
Anthony Randazzo
Bishop of Broken Bay
“I am delighted the Diocese of Broken Bay will be hosting the Ignite Conference this year.
Ignite is a dynamic event for students, young adults and their families. It provides wonderful opportunities for faith formation in a creative and fun environment while encountering the living Christ. Let’s all pray the Ignite Conference brings new hope and life to our community of the Church.”
Explosive Rallies
Experience the Church fully alive in faith. The ground shakes as we gather for explosive worship, powerful preaching and life-changing encounters of God.
Inspiring Workshops
This is a place to be inspired, whether you are taking the first steps of your faith journey, or seeking to go deeper. We gather to share ideas, sink into new concepts and learn about the heart of God and His plans for our lives.
Powerful Sacraments
Meet Jesus in a powerful way through the holy Sacraments. As we experience the treasure of the source and summit of our faith, we bring the very best of our creativity, passion and service.
Depending on your age and stage of life, there is a stream at Ignite Conference for you.
Ignite Central
25+ yrs
Attend keynotes from incredible speakers on a range of topics around leadership, worship, mission, culture and discipleship.
Ignite YA
18-25 yrs
A fresh batch of engaging speakers and exclusive spaces specifically crafted for young adults and uni students, in partnership with ACU Campus Ministry.
Ignite High
Yr 7 - 12
Get rowdy with a bunch of new high school mates, in engaging sessions presented by youth ministry experts from NET Ministries and Ignite Youth.
Ignite Kids
Primary School Kids
Fun sessions for primary school kids, packed with music, games, creative arts and faith activities.
Proudly supported by our Platinum Sponsors
Contact us to join them as a sponsor of Ignite Conference